How can I get from Larnaca Airport to Ayia Napa Nissi beach?
Hire an official Larnaca Airport taxi service which is available on a 24h basis. Fares are €60/single route during daytime and 70/single route during the night.
Hire a taxi service through online, availability is on a 24h basis. The approximate fees are €60/single route depending on the level of services required
Bus service is the cheapest option but there is not a bus route directly from the Larnaca Airport to Nissi Beach Ayia Napa as you need to change a bus to Larnaca town first and then continue to your final destination. Additionally the services are disconnected during the night time .
Nissi beach Ayia Napa
Nissi beach it’s the most well-known, cosmopolitan and busy beach in the island. A variety of taxis are at the disposal of the customers and additionally the bus routes are fairly good. Also, the famous Nissi beach Resort is a located at the same area.